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PCTRAN-Integrated Projector for Radiological Emergencies
Nuclear Power Plant / Spent Fuel Pool / Dirty Bomb
A single RadPuff dose dispersion projector for nuclear plant (NSSS), spent fuel pool or RDD (dirty bomb) release
- Specifically designed for EP department of nuclear power plant sites or state radiological protection agencies
- Considerable Discount wrt Acquisition Separately
- Windows XP Plant Specific Plant (BWR or PWR) model, site specific EPZ
- Process either nuclear plant release following a severe accident or isolated “Dirty Bomb” event
- Faster-than-real-time (up to 16x) interactive control
- Spent Fuel Pool Loss of Cooling and/or Coolant (Drain-Down) Accidents
- EAL Determination by Instrument Readings or Fission Product Barrier Penetration
- Radiological Release NUREG1.183 Alternate Source Terms
- Puff Dose Projection using real-time meteorological conditions (replacing steady-state straight line Gaussian RASCAL)
- Use Online Map to Provide Background Anywhere in the World for isolated RDD event
- Project Downstream Dose Rate and Accumulation for Exposure, Inhalation and Deposition
PCTRAN Severe Accident Simulator
- Has all existing plant models (PWR 2, 3, 4-loops, dry or ice containment), GE BWR 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 with Mark I, II or 3 containment
- Benchmark against FSAR and MELCOR or MAAP for severe accidents
- New reactors AP1000, EPR, ABWR and ESBWR
- Operational transients, design basis (single failure) and severe (core & containment failure) accidents
- Generate tabulated iodine, noble gases and fuel isotope aerosols source term in Excel or Access
- Direct input to RadPuff for online dose projection
Spent Fuel Pool Accidents
Plant Specific (PWR or BWR with open vessel head) in SFP geometry, cooling system, fuel burn-up history and isotope inventory
- For any given drain-down, drop-cask or loss-of-cooling event, instant estimate of pool boiling and dose release time
- Determine the possibility of return-to-criticality
- Calculate zirconium fire and steam interaction rate
- Prediction of clad burst, fission product release timing and pattern
- Comply with NUREG 1738 (SFP accident), 1465 (Revised Source Term), etc.
- Project release isotope strength and site boundary doses
- Provide radiation monitor readings according to shielding and volatile material discharge
- Choice of alternate pool makeup by diesel pump, firewater hose, spray, etc.