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Installation & Quick Run


Notes for PWR’s with Inverted U-tube Steam Generators (Westinghouse, AREVA or Korean Advanced PWR’s)

After you have successfully installed the executable PCTRAN.exe, answer “No” when you are prompted whether you would like to save the previous run’s data.  When the NSSS mimic appears, one of the steam generator loops with the pressurizer is at the left side and the remainder loops are lumped into the right side. PWR’s of C-E design have 2x4 hot legs/cold legs.  Some Westinghouse 4-loop plants have ice condenser containment. Click “View” and “Dose Mimic” to see the containment display. Click “View” and “Main Mimic” to get back. 

For Westinghouse 2, 3, or 4-loop plants, go to “Edit”, “Basic Data” and in the upper right corner “Select set”, click “Next” to find the one closest to yours. Then “Restart”, “Close”, “OK” (use of default IC =1 is necessary) and Run. In the mimic left side is a single loop with the pressurizer, the right side contains the remaining loops combined.


Notes for B&W PWR with Once Through Steam Generators

Trip one out of four RCP’s the reactor power will automatically set to 75%.  Trip one at each side the power will set to 50%.  Any other or more RCP trip will scram the reactor. Other operation conditions are similar to Westinghouse or C-E plant.

Notes for Boiling Water Reactors

MST has experience in GE-designed BWR2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and ABWR and ABB-designed BWR’s.  BWR 2 to 4 are of Mark I containment.  BWR5 has Mark II containment, and BWR6 has Mark III containment. 

Notes for Spent Fuel Pool Simulator

The pool is divided in three regions of recent and older discharged fuels.  The total decay heat is in balance with the cooling system heat removing capacity. In the malfunction list, there are loss-of-cooling, loss of coolant, fuel failure and drop cask for selection.  Following each event’s initiation, in the upper left corner the pool’s projected time to boiling, assembly uncovery, and zirconium fire is projected. The dose release source terms including Cs-137 are generated.

Note for Severe Accident

The early portion of a reactor transient is the same as any of the simulators above. Only when after the core is exposed the severe accident model will persist till melting and relocation. This typically takes at least a few hours after transient initiation. For demonstration you can go to “Restart” and choose one of the higher initial condition (IC) marked with “core melt start”, “vessel penetration”, etc. and click “Run” to continue. Switch to “View”, “Dose Mimic” to see the core and radiological release conditions. Choose “View” and “Puff Mimic” to observe offsite dose dispersion. Reac below RadPff section for dose dispersion. In order to see significant dose dispersion, i.e. well above natural background level, some tips are:


Note for RadPff & Dose Dispersion following a Severe Accident

If you have questions or encounter problems, please contact: us at Tel 973-263-7327 or send email to info@microsimtech.com