The Westinghouse AP1000 is different from a conventional PWR that requires
active pumps for reactor core and containment cooling. The
advanced PWR uses passive heat sink and nature's force to remove decay heat
after reactor shutdown. There are inside-containment refueling water
storage tank, accumulators, coolant makeup tanks, passive residue heat
removal system and automated depressurization system. Basically for any
disturbance it relies on natural course to depressurize the primary coolant
and let coolant cover the core effortlessly. Even the containment is cooled
from outside its steel liner by water draining from a tank placed high above
the roof. Air draft from the ambient further assists this process. In order
to see how this "passive safe" concept will actually work, PCTRAN AP1000
rigorously demonstrates all these in high fidelity and vivid animation. It
is of high fidelity as the simulated results have been benchmarked against
the NRC approved design document submitted by Westinghouse.
Since first completion of a control room full-scale simulator is at least
six years away from now, PCTRAN provides an immediately tool for training
personnel and demonstration to public or media of the new technology.
Download the free demo.
Inadvertent Automatic Depressurization System Initiation
10-Inch Cold Leg Break
Double-ended Cold Leg Break
Double-ended Hot Leg Break
Inadvertent Pressurizer Safety Valve Opening