The first Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (APWR) will soon be built in Tsuruga, Japan. The US version is currently applying for design certification by the US NRC. Two utility companies in the US: Luminant Energy in Texas and Dominion in Virginia are applying for the combined construction and operation license. The plant output is large (near 1500 MW electric) and evolutionary with 4 coolant loops and 4 trains of ECCS direct vessel injection. It uses gas turbine replacing diesel generator for emergency power, and in-containment refueling water storage pit (RWSP) for post-LOCA recirculation.
Please note in PCTRAN’s NSSS mimic, the core power 4451 MW, primary and secondary pressure and flow rates, core average temperature 583.8ºF, inlet temperature 551.4ºF are identical to the design values in the MHI document. All transient and accident analyses have been benchmarked to reasonable agreement.
MHI US-APWR is a proven plant design with high thermal efficiency, reduction of building volume, enhanced safety using four trains of emergency cooling systems and in-containment refueling water storage pit (RWSP).
The following document published by MHI was posted by USNRC on its website. It is used for PCTRAN/APWR’s benchmark of verification.
So far the following cases have been completed:
More cases till the entire collection of the design document will be conducted to assure fidelity of the simulator.